How to send a Fax from email
- Create a new email message in any email application / service, e.g. Outlook® or Gmail™
- Enter the fax number followed by in the To: field (GoFax will not pick up any fax numbers in the ‘Cc…’ or ‘Bcc…’ fields).
When sending a fax to a standard Australian (02, 03, 07, 08) number,
include the area code with no space.* For example sending to a 1300 number:
When sending to a 1800 number:
or a plus).
- Enter a ‘Subject Line’ for your own reference/reporting (this will not be included in the fax).
- Attach the fax e.g. PDF, Word doc etc. (See all Accepted Fax File Types). The maximum page count is 99 pages; the total file size must be less than 50 megabytes.
- Click Send
Please note:
- If you wish to send the body of the email as the fax or include it as a cover page for your attached
documents, simply enter in the Subject Line a space after any text and /b
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